Click the title of any reflection you wish to read.
God the Only True Source of Hope
There are few more lonely situations than being "out there" trying to do the right thing and always swimming against the tide... Let Jeremiah's example be a source of encouragement!
The Eucharist and the Miracle of Cana
The miracle of Cana helps us prepare for the miracle of the Eucharist.
The Struggle Never Ends
Sometimes God’s will is made known only after we have moved along to a new challenge.
Why did God Create?
Because He wanted to share
Through the Eye of the Heart
Seeing the Risen Christ
Christmas is for Dreamers
Glory to God in the highest!
Where Would We Be Without John?
"Gaudiamus" ----- Rejoice!
Hoping in God
Closer to a cross than a crutch
God Knows the Value of Our Being Community
He is Community, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jesus' "Best Man"
It is all about Jesus.

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