Latest Additions
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God the Only True Source of Hope
There are few more lonely situations than being "out there" trying to do the right thing and always swimming against the tide... Let Jeremiah's example be a source of encouragement!
The Eucharist and the Miracle of Cana
The miracle of Cana helps us prepare for the miracle of the Eucharist.
The Struggle Never Ends
Sometimes God’s will is made known only after we have moved along to a new challenge.
Why did God Create?
Because He wanted to share
Through the Eye of the Heart
Seeing the Risen Christ

Reflections by Sunday
All existing reflections on have been categorized according to the appropriate Sundays of the Church's Liturgical Calendar (Ordinary Time only). Click the following link to see the complete list.

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Reflections by Subject Category
All reflections have been categorized according to their primary subject. Reflections pertaining to particular feast days or the seasons of the year may also be found using this index. Click the following link to see the available categories.

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Tip: If a category does not appear in the list, try using the site search tool.

Hotel Dieu Hospital Chapel
Kingston, Ont.