Click the title of any reflection you wish to read.
Satan...Farce or Force? An appreciation of the actual and potential impact of Satanic influence upon significant events, might well prove to be one of the key contributions of Christianity to society in the new millennium.
Come on Jesus, Get Real! God created us in His image and likeness and ever since, we have been doing our level best to return the compliment.
Called to be Greater Than Ourselves We have all been touched by the on-going story of a man who felt compelled to take his daughter's life and did so. Are we simply observers with our own opinions or are we, in some way involved, even responsible?
Prayer is for Lovers Only Prayer is not as complex or as esoteric as some would have us believe. As the expression of a community it is common and shared but coming from an individual it is private and intensely personal. Spoken or not it is best in its simplicity.
What is it Like to be Dead? Our hope in eternal life is well founded. For Christians it is a hope that gives meaning to both life and death. We must explore these realities in order to achieve balance in our values and priorities.
Without God We Are Nothing The wise person is aware of fundamental limitations... knows God and consequently where to place his or her trust.
Ad Sum We who are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one people with one vocation. There are no exceptions. All are called to live the goodness and truth, which is God.
Do Not Mourn There is an inherent contradiction in our attitude toward death because we are of a world that sees death as the antithesis of life.