Click the title of any reflection you wish to read.
Disguised Sedition
The Book of Revelation is perhaps the most frequently misinterpreted and misappropriated book of the entire Bible.
Jesus As Poet
Beauty, after all, is not opposed to truth. It is simply truth in its most attractive form.
Be Human...Don’t 'Grab a Bite'
John’s Gospel invites us to reflect upon what anthropologists are telling us.
A 'Party -Poop'...A Saint for Today
If Thomas had not been one of the Apostles, we would have had to invent him.
Are You Proof of Jesus' Resurrection?
What do a newborn child in a crib and a piece of cloth in an otherwise empty tomb have in common?
GOOD Friday?
No matter how long or how dark the tunnels, in and through Him, we shall overcome.
When Faith is More Certain Than Reason
On the night before He died Jesus defined our relationship with Him and with each other.
For Some, Having A Good Day is Catching an Adulteress!
Go forward, learn from the past but do not live in it. Have courage, you are loved by God.
On Becoming an Integrated Pagan
A certificate of Baptism is not a passport to heaven.
Cheer's Lent!
For Christians there is a context within which every event and aspect of life must be interpreted and lived: The life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

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