Click the title of any reflection you wish to read.
He Meant What He Said!
I know what Jesus "said", but what did He "intend" to say?
Further Reflections on Tuesday 11th
Our Sacred Scriptures speak to us of mercy and forgiveness and yet few of us are in a forgiving mood.
Please God!...Not another Dresden!
There is but one God and His name does not really matter.
Words Upon Your Heart
Can it be that suffering is the greatest blessing of all?
I Have Not Come to Bring Peace but Rather Division
What Jesus foresaw and dreaded, Mary sees and laments.
An Invitation to Intimacy
The Disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray and they get much more than they bargained for. They probably wished that they had left well enough alone!
Jesus Handles a Heckler
Beware of greed.
It Worked! It Worked!
A little girl with a lot of Faith.
Without Him We Are Nothing...No One Is Without Him
Jesus has promised to be with us until the end of time...and onward into eternity.
The Only Way to Spell Peace is J E S U S
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the unique, universal declaration of freedom, rights and responsibility.

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