A Salmon Story
"A Salmon Story" is a children's storybook written several years ago by Father Peter.
The book is beautifully illustrated by an artist named
Christina Nick.
Although never published in print, it is now making its debut online in multimedia format professionally narrated by
renowned voice talent Rod Charlebois. Make sure your speakers are turned on and
click here to begin!
View Reflections by Sunday
All homiletic reflections on NothingForGranted.com are currently being categorized
according to the appropriate Sunday (Ordinary Time of the Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar.)
Visit Living Our Story to see.
For all other Seasons and Feasts refer to Reflections by Subject Category.
About This Site
This site has been created as a means to share the thoughts and writings of Fr.
Peter Timmins - a man who has touched the lives of many people through his writings
and through his ministry as a Roman Catholic priest.
Through this site, he is offering free electronic copies
of both of his books: "Nothing for Granted" and "The Candle and The
Flame". There is something in each of them for everyone, whether you are a
teenager or a senior citizen.
Enjoy browsing through the site in order to learn more about the author, to read what
others are saying about his work and especially to find HOPE, INSPIRATION, and
CONSOLATION through "Living Our Story" which is a
selection of his homily-based reflections. These can be viewed or printed for your own
use or easily forwarded to a friend.
"Your book 'Nothing for Granted' is very easy to understand.
I have two teenagers at home - they said it's not often they find
a book about religion which is not boring. We are looking forward
to reading the next one."
-R. Peltevolt (Montreal, Quebec)